ah major update

ah akhirnya setelah skian lama, abis update, rapihin kode amburadul kek kapal pecah,
dpt saran dr orang2, ktnya suru tambahin tutorial n bahasa indo

1. performa
2.  dialogbox
3. new secret ending n easteregg
4. add tutorial
5. bug fix

episode 2 ntr nyusul sma pen nambahin gambar sih

ah finally after a long time, its updated, fixing barely working code
ive got review from people to add tutorial and (clear / formal) indo language,
and obviously i need to add picture to characters well i will add it later,
windows paint its better than nothing :'v

as i promise, i will try to make it good like others, slow but sure


sandy.g.story.v66-release.apk 64 MB
Mar 27, 2023
Sandy_Gabut_Story_v6-6.0-pc.zip 60 MB
Mar 27, 2023

Get Sandi Gabut [ ID - EN ]

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